Bojcin cultural summer 2017

The official closing ceremony of the summer event will be in the rhythm of the best rock sound - the famous Belgrade band, Van Gog, is coming to Surcin to make an excellent atmosphere

Thursday 7th of September 2017

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Bojcin cultural summer announces its closure for this year with the concert of Van Gog band scheduled for 9th September at 20:00. The most popular rock band has been performing throughout the region whole summer and it has all the major festivals and important events written down in its busy schedule. The first days of September in Belgrade will surely be marked by the gig in the famous forest.

The Bojcin cultural summer, organized in the Forest of Bojcin, started this year on 17th June, and it was marked by numerous concerts of famous domestic performers and performances for children and adults. The main location of the event is the summer scene which is the epicenter of events and has a capacity of 500 seats for sitting. As this region is geographically close to Vojvodina, there was no exception when it comes to competitions in the preparation of the most delicious plain specialties this year.

The event that is fully supported by the Tourist Organization of Belgrade and the Municipality of Surcin has been organized since 2009. The Forest of Bojcin is a protected nature resort with rich recreational and relaxing facilities. The organizer of the cultural and artistic event is the Cultural Center - Cultural Center Surcin. The famous event is characterized by a rich programme that presents theater plays, concerts and artistic performances. Every event that turns the Forest of Bojcin into a place of great entertainment is completely free.