Popular food this spring

Bye, bye heavy food! It's time for light nutrition and ice cream

Friday 27th of April 2018

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People were waiting for staying in the garden under the clear sky and hot sun for a long time. Warm weather is not the best ally of tasty Serbian gastronomic tradition. Unfortunately, we will have to wait for colder days for enjoying pork, sarma and other food that are more a brand rather than a good specialty. Fortunately, every season is ideal for kebab. Given that the reflection in the mirror and the whole figure are closely monitored in the spring, let the pleasure only be only kebabs, not the more succulent option - kebab with kaymak.

What to eat is as important as what to wear. Bars and restaurants in Belgrade expectedly welcomed the spring season 2018 and prepared a very attractive offer of food and beverages. Healthy, yet tasty meals definitely rule the city. They are accompanied by creative mixes of freshly squeezed fruit. However, it is difficult for any innovation to take over the throne from the Caesar salad. If you want to delight your appetite with something different, find a place that prepares grilled goat cheese. With rich, juicy bruschetti and light wine, hanging out from home will be a great time.

The sea and holidays may not seem as close as they are. If your job is the main occupation and you think there will never be time for a break - you are wrong. Look at the things from the realistic point of view, August is closer now than in January. So, start thinking about the new swimsuit model. Recommendations and scientific researches remind that fish are mandatory in the menu. Fish restaurants in Belgrade are so good that specialties of the most diverse fish are no longer a reason for going to the sea. Find your new favourite base and enjoy your meals without guilty conscience.